Peer Assessment

About Peer Assessment

Peer Assessment is a process where you, as a learner, evaluate assignments of your peers and provide feedback. The work you invest will pay off: You will improve your understanding of the course material by seeing and grading the work of others. Your grade is calculated based on the grades you receive from your peers and bonus points you collect. It is important that you adhere to all deadlines; otherwise your work will not earn any points.

Peer Assessment Phases

Submit your work

  • During this phase you submit your work. Depending on the course this can be text, links or attachments.
  • You can save a draft of your work as often as you want. After you click Submit Solution and receive a confirmation message, your submission is complete and cannot be changed anymore.
  • Be sure to click Submit Solution before the submission deadline, otherwise your work will not be evaluated and will not earn any points.

Learn to grade

  • Some assignments include a Learn to grade phase. During this training phase, you grade some submissions pre-evaluated by the instructor as a reference.
  • You can review and compare your grading with the instructor's and apply it to your future grading. The goal of this phase is to reduce grading variations between peer evaluators.
  • If the phase is mandatory, you need to complete the Learn to grade phase before the deadline and before you can evaluate your peers.

Evaluate your peers

  • During this phase you grade randomly assigned submissions of your peers (usually 3 to 5). Grading is done anonymously and is based on criteria provided by the instructor. You also need to provide written feedback. You can earn extra points if your peers perceive your written feedback as helpful.
  • Participation in the Evaluate your peers phase is required if you want your own submission to be evaluated and considered for points. Make sure that you adhere to the deadline.
  • Please note: If you start to review a submission you have 6 hours to complete. If you have not completed the review within the allocated time, the submission will go back in the “grading pool” and other students will grade it. You will not see and have access to this submission anymore and you will need to review another submission.

Evaluate yourself

  • Some assignments include an Evaluate yourself phase. During this phase you reflect and evaluate your own work after you have seen the submissions of your peers.
  • If your self-evaluation score is within 10% of your overall peer grade, you will receive bonus points.
  • As always, make sure that you adhere to the deadlines.

View your results

  • During the View your result phase, you have the option to rate your peers’ feedback. You do not have to rate your peers’ feedback but rating is required if you want to see the individual results and written feedback from your peers. You must provide the rating before the View your results phase deadline.
  • Your final grade is displayed. It is based on the grades from your peers and bonus points you received. The overall grade is final after the View your results phase has closed.

Learn about

Adhering to deadlines

Peer assessment is based on the students adhering to deadlines (for example submitting work and reviewing peers' work on time). Check carefully and adhere to all deadlines, otherwise you will receive no points.

Privacy and sharing your work

Your identity will not be shared with your peers. Please keep your submission and review free of personal data if you want to keep your privacy. In some courses, challenge winners and top submissions are published and names of these best students are displayed. If you do not want to be included, you can opt-out: Use the checkbox “Please do not share my work outside the grading process” when you submit your work.

Calculation of your grade (example)

Your grade is calculated based on the per-rubric median score from your peers and bonus points you received.

Reporting plagiarism and offensive content

Plagiarism, malevolent, offensive, and mature content violates the openHPI Code of Honor. You can report explicit cases of violations by using the Report button. Please include links to the original source material, if reporting plagiarism. We take claims seriously and review them carefully. Please note: False accusation can lead to downgrading of your assignment.

This page was last changed at Thu, 23 Apr 2015 12:23:16 +0000.