test den umbruch

test den Umbruch
hier sollte der Umbruch sein hier ist keiner

hier ist ein absatz

Empty title

Trying to save an announcement without title

Announcements could contain URLs

From here on out, it should no longer be a surprise that announcements may contain links not only with Markdown syntax, but also with straight-forward URL within the text.

Shocking, I know.

Here's an example that has not worked before: https://open.hpi.de/go/survey/439639

Here is an even simpler one: http://www.google.com

Over and out.

iOS App & Winner of the Competition "Favorite Learning Place"

Dear Learning Community,

Our competition “My favorite learning place” has just ended, and our jury of openHPI team members, students and design thinkers had the very hard task of deciding who from among the 60 submissions should be the winner. The choice was in fact a very difficult one, given the large number of original, creative photos. Besides receiving wonderful vacation pictures from Croatia, Bali and Oman, we got drawings and photos from our international learners, e.g. from India, Vietnam, Ukraine, Switzerland, Hungary, the United States, France and Belgium.

Winner likes lying in the hammock while taking the openHPI courses

The first prize goes to Rike Ullenbaum (36), who is an expert for work and organizational psychology from Wuppertal. Rike is currently taking the Design Thinking MOOC and only started to learn at openHPI in 2017. We are very happy to invite Ms Ullenbaum and her husband to visit Potsdam and the Hasso Plattner Institute soon. The hammock photo she sent us shows how flexible, mobile, and, at the same time, comfortable learning with openHPI can be. The idyllic spot, at the very back of Rike’s garden, is a place where she can immerse herself in openHPI courses in absolute quiet.

Because we don’t want to keep the other fantastic submissions from you, they will soon be available for your viewing pleasure in our new openHPI news section series, "Favorite learning places". Here you can look forward to some funny pictures, inspiring stories and original ideas from all over the world!

Best regards
The openHPI team

Protect your Privacy in Social Media – Course Start on October 23

Dear Learning Community,

In two weeks, the completely reworked new edition of the 2-week workshop “Social Media - What No One has Told you about Privacy“ (in English) will start on openHPI.

In the wake of the German parliamentary elections, fake news and the influence of social media is more relevant than ever. Dr. Anne Kayem, guest researcher from South Africa, shows in this workshop how fake news is spread and how users can protect themselves against the dissemination of false information about themselves. “Around 9 percent of the profiles of all facebook users are fake – these are around 83 million accounts,” says Kayem. Participants will learn more about this problem―called catfishing―and get to know methods of exposing catfishers.

No prior knowledge is necessary to take this course. The workshop addresses everyone who uses Facebook, Twitter & Co. for business or pleasure and who likes to know how to avoid data misuse and identity theft. Successful course participants will receive a certificate.

This teaser gives you a small taste of what to expect. Enroll now: https://open.hpi.de/courses/ws-privacy2017

Best regards
The openHPI team

Course Starts and Automatic Translation

Dear Learning Community,

Only three days left until our new openHPI courses start! We would like to give you a short summary of what to expect.
Furthermore: A new feature which can be of great value, especially for our international learners.

Introduction to Mathematics of Algorithms

We highly recommend our premiering 2-week workshop (in German language only). The teaching team introduces the basic elements of computer science which are the backbone of every computer system or application. In week 1 you will learn about propositional and predicate logic. Week 2 deals with examples for important algorithms, such as finding shortest paths or the Googles PageRank algorithm. If you don't have a clue of what we are talking about, you should take this course!
Watch the trailer and enroll here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/mat-ws

In-Memory Data Management

On the same day, Monday September 18, 2017, Prof. Hasso Plattner gives a new edition of the successful 6-week course “In-Memory Data Management”. Are you interested in trends in the database technology and hardware environments? Are you working as a business professional and deal with in-memory computing or HANA? Don’t miss this course! You will become familiar with database technology designed for fast analysis and flexible comparison of big data.

Please enroll here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/imdb2017

Subtitles in 10 languages

All non-native speakers can look forward to a new feature! In the In-Memory Data Management course we have activated automatic translation of the videos. Subtitles in 10 languages are available, among others in German, Polish, Dutch or Russian. As you might know, state-of-the-art machine translation is not yet perfect. We are however convinced that the possibility to follow courses in a language that you don’t speak fluently offers a big potential to broaden your mind. We are curious and rely on your feedback, and we are working hard to give you machine translated subtitles soon for all of our courses.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

All the best
The openHPI team

September dedicated to Algorithms and In-Memory Data Management

Dear Learning Community,

We are happy to announce to you two courses, starting on September 18, 2017:

“In-Memory Data Management” (in English), the iteration of the very successful course by Prof. Hasso Plattner, and “Mathematics of Algorithms” (in German), a brief introduction to the language of modern math that is behind every application in computer science.

“In-Memory Data Management”

What it’s about:
Businesses often face the dilemma of how to effectively retrieve and process data quickly in a way that best meets the growing demands of the market. In this 5th iteration of Prof. Plattner’s course, participants become familiar with a revolutionary database technology. Data is kept in column-oriented in-memory databases instead of relying on traditional row-oriented disk-based storages. The speed of information processing increases dramatically and overall performance improves. Thus, nothing more stands in the way of the analysis and comparison of big data.

Good to know:
No prior knowledge is necessary to take this course. This course addresses users who are interested in trends in the database and hardware environments as well as business professionals who come in contact with in-memory computing and HANA

Do you want to know more? Then enroll here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/imdb2017

“Introduction to the Mathematics of Algorithms”

What it’s about:
This 2-week workshop in German introduces the basic elements of computer science and explains, for example, what quantifiers and connectives are. The mathematical principles will then be applied in selected examples, and mathematical puzzles will break up the course and challenge the participants. For this course, too, no prior knowledge is required.

Interested learners can enroll in the course here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/mat-ws

We hope that these topics are of interest to you and look forward to seeing you in the course.

Best regards
the openHPI team

P.S. Until September 17, 2017 you still have the chance to participate in our competition. Show us your favorite place for learning and win a trip to Potsdam and a visit to HPI. --> Further information on the competition

Design Thinking Course Start & 400,000 Enrollments

Dear Learning Community,

We are very pleased to announce that we have reached a new enrollment record on openHPI. Ulrike Gärtner is the 400,000th person to enroll in an openHPI course!

We would like to celebrate this good news at the d.confestival, which takes place at the Hasso Plattner Institute campus in Potsdam from September 14 to September 16, 2017. Mrs Gärtner gets a free ticket to this unique event that brings together design thinkers from all over the world.

Ulrike has already participated in many openHPI courses, among others the first In-Memory Data Management course in 2012. She just recently enrolled in the course “Inspirations for Design: A Course on Human-Centered Research,” which starts on August 24, 2017. “I’m looking forward to finding a new (more creative) method to solving problems and, at the same time, to increase the user-friendliness of these solutions,” she said. Three experienced design thinking researchers show in this 5-week course how new ideas are born. Participants learn how innovative products or services can be created from the beginning in such a way as to fulfill users’ desires exactly.

Have you already enrolled in the course? If not, you can do so here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/insights-2017

Best regards,
the openHPI team

5 Years openHPI: Show us your Favorite Learning Place!

Dear Learning Community,

openHPI is celebrating its 5th anniversary in September with an exciting competition! Take part in our creative contest and - with a little bit of luck - win a trip to Potsdam.

Here's how it works:

Please send us a picture (photo, comic, drawing, …) on one of the following topics:

This is my favorite learning place. Here I love to delve deep into the openHPI courses.


This is where I'd love to learn. Here's where I'd love to learn.

We are looking forward to your ideas! Surprise us - it will be worth your while. Prizes will be awarded to the best submissions:

  • A trip to Potsdam for 2, incl. travel by train, one overnight stay and a tour of HPI
  • Tickets for the newly opened Barberini museum in Potsdam
  • Many more attractive prizes

Please email your picture to stefanie.schweiger@hpi.de or send by standard mail to:

Hasso Plattner Institut for Digital Engineering gGmbH
c/o Stefanie Schweiger
Prof. Dr. Helmert Str. 2-3
14482 Potsdam

Closing date is September 17, 2017. Participants agree that all pictures which are submitted may be used for marketing reasons and may be published on the openHPI website.

Best regards,
the openHPI Team

Learn More About Design Thinking!

Dear Learning Community,

We are happy to announce our first Design Thinking online course: “Inspirations for Design: A Course on Human-Centered Research”!

Inspirations for human-centered design!

“With this English-language course we want to explore the first step of the innovation method ‘design thinking’ with you”, course instructors Mana Taheri, Karen von Schmieden and Lena Mayer explain. They work as researchers in the HPI Design Thinking research program and are also design thinking coaches at the HPI School of Design Thinking or HPI Academy. More and more companies and universities apply design thinking to develop new products and solve problems by putting user needs into focus.

This five-week course will introduce you to crucial methods in design research, which will help you to discover inspirations for innovative solutions. We take a task-based approach to build your competencies and skills: You will learn to spot workarounds, observe potential users in their context and explore the basic skills of conducting insightful interviews.

The course is suitable for everyone who is curious about design thinking and human-centered approaches for solving problems.

We start on August 24 - enroll here!

See you soon!

Best regards,
the openHPI team

P.S. On September 14-16, we host the D.Confestival: the pioneering event in design thinking! Meet our outstanding speakers and experience a highly interactive program!

Older announcements

Computer Science meets your Own Four Walls: Smart Home

Dear Learning Community,

After its great success last year, we have again decided to include a workshop Embedded Smart Home (in German) in this year's program 2017.

Embedded Smart Home

The 2-weeks course starts on July 3, 2017 and addresses all who are interested in new technologies and who have fun programming.

You can enroll in the course here .

What's it about?
Martin Malchow and Matthias Bauer, who some of you might already know from the preceding course, are eager to try out other new projects for the smart home. For instance, participants will learn how sensors can be used to control external actuators (e.g., a lamp or blinds).
"At the request of many participants from the last course, this time we want to also show how a camera can be externally controlled and monitored," said the course supervisors.

Good to know
Participants can program and manage their embedded smart home with a Raspberry Pi, an affordable minicomputer. We will use the Linux distribution system Raspbian and work with the programming language Python in the programming exercises. No special hardware components are needed to participate. All tasks can easily be performed on a device that is provided by the learning platform.

Would you like to brush up your programming skills before the course begins? We recommend the course "Learning how to program in a playful way" (in German), available in the archive mode. Participants who like to play around with their own Raspberry Pi at home, will get more information to prepare for the course before it officially starts.

See you soon in the course!

Rate Your Favorite Courses

Some of you might have noticed that we have recently introduced a new feature on openHPI. On the course details page you now have the possibility to evaluate openHPI courses - anonymously or under your own name. Share your course experience with others and award up to 5 stars for courses you have taken so far. In this way, you help other learners to find out if a course is for them. Once you have clicked on the "submit" button, you will be directed to mammooc.org, a platform where you will find MOOCs on many different topics. Here, you can easily compare courses or filter those offered in different languages or on a special topic.

Best regards,
the openHPI team

From Search Engines to Mainframes

Dear Learning Community,

We are delighted to announce our brand-new courses: "How does a search engine work?" and "Mainframes", which will start shortly (both courses are in German).

How does a search engine work? What it's about?

"In this 2-week workshop, we want to have a look at simple concepts of information retrieval in the web context," course teacher Ralf Krestel says. Krestel is head of the Web Science research group at the Hasso Plattner Institute. Participants will learn, for example, how a search engine is built, which process is started when searching for something, and according to what criteria the results are listed.

Anyone who wants to know more about the constantly used "search engine" tool is welcome to participate. There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Have we sparked your interest? If so, please enroll here.

Mainframes - What it's about?

70 percent of the Global 500 are using mainframes to ensure that transactions and other processes are conducted correctly and without data loss. In this 6-week course, Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze from HPI, Wolfram Greis from the Academic Mainframe Consortium, Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune from the University of Neu-Ulm, and speakers from IBM will give an overview of mainframe architecture and its application development. Databases, transaction systems, security and mainframes, and storage management are other important chapters in this course. Participants should already have a basic knowledge of computer science and algorithms.

Here you can watch the trailer and enroll in the course.

We look forward to your participation!

openHPI at Sapphire Now 2017 in Orlando

Next week, we will be presenting openHPI as well as our mooc.house platform at Sapphire Now, the world's annual business technology event taking place in Orlando, Florida. With mooc.house you can become a MOOC provider yourself and offer courses either to a broad public or to a specific target group. Meet us at our booth 200 and test your knowledge in the openHPI/openSAP quiz battle! For more information, click here.

Best regards,
the openHPI team


Dear Learning Community,

Study guidelines, good practice and recommendations on how to apply MOOCs, learn about opportunities for the use of MOOCs and discuss hot topics such as quality, business models or certification. For more visit www.mooc-book.eu.

Digital technologies and new demands of learners and the labour market are the main drivers behind the process of changing the Global Education. However, several EU regions, higher education institutions and businesses appear to be not aware of the situation and might lose the connection to this rapid growth in the long term. Especially for the world of business, a huge potential lies idle.

The MOOC BOOK is realised under the umbrella of the EU-funded project “BizMOOC – Knowledge Alliance to enable a European-wide exploitation of the potential of MOOCs for the world of business”. “With BizMOOC, we want to encourage the modernisation of European education, generate a cross-border and cross-sector knowledge exchange on MOOCs in Europe and promote the acquisition of labour market key competences”, said Christian Friedl, coordinator of BizMOOC project.

For Higher Education Institutions, there are several benefits coming from the MOOC BOOK. First of all, MOOC BOOK offers answers to various questions related to how MOOCs address HEIs. The questions and answers are grouped into three main categories: MOOC basics, MOOC adoption and advanced MOOC concept thus targeting those new to MOOCs, those who have a little experience with MOOCs and those well-experienced with it. The next part of the MOOC BOOK is called needs and gaps to MOOCs which offers identification of needs and gaps for the application of MOOCs by HEIs. It is concluded by the State of the Art on existing MOOC knowledge with topics such as existing MOOC quality models or issues for MOOC recognition, certification and accreditation.

World of the business profits from the MOOC BOOK equally. Guidelines provide the extensive knowledge on applying MOOCs from external providers and applying self-produced MOOCs, answering questions such as what the potential costs are when employing the existing MOOCs by other providers, or what the options are if the business wants to provide MOOCs on their own. Similarly the next part of the MOOC BOOK offers the identification of opportunities of MOOCs for the business community. The final part may then answer any questions related to 14 relevant MOOC topics, for instance MOOC IPR issues, MOOCs and Human Resource Development or existing MOOC business models.

The MOOC BOOK also does include labour force/society as such. It addresses the society in general and provides information on MOOCs in general, learning on a MOOC and taking MOOCs further. What is the right type of MOOC and teaching approach for me, are the employers aware of MOOCs, how can MOOCs improve my skills – those are just some of the questions the MOOC BOOK answers. In the section for the society it also provides very interesting results from the society survey carried out with a range of citizens across Europe including students, non-formal/lifelong learners, the unemployed and employees in a range of industries.

Happy Easter!

Dear Learning Community,

Days are getting longer, and the time is coming when we can sit outside in the sun - the Easter holidays will be here before you know it!

Maybe, you have planned a short trip somewhere, or you want to spend an enjoyable time at home. Perhaps you even have the time and leisure to do some coding exercises. The openHPI Java team has done everything to make sure that you won't get bored. If you have not yet enrolled in the course "Object-Oriented Programming in Java", take a look at the content of the first 3 weeks, which is now available. You can still join the course community.

Java workshop - Introduction to a Java IDE

We are happy to announce the next Java course to all enthusiastic participants of the introductory course "Object-Oriented Programming with Java," running at the moment, and who want to learn more. In the 2-week workshop "Introduction to a Java IDE" Ralf Teusner and Tom Staubitz are going to dive deeper into the topic and explain how to use a Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment). For working with Java, just as in any other programming language, you need certain tools, such as a compiler, an interpreter and an editor. These tools are called the Integrated Development Environment.

Having learned the basic concepts of Java in the currently running course, we would now like to teach you in the following workshop how to implement your own programs.

So: Please mark the first of May in your calendar, the date when the Java IDE workshop starts. Everyone is welcome who has at least basic programming knowledge in Java. You can enroll here.

nanou - The new iOS microlearning app

As you know, we are steadily looking for new features that support learning. At the moment we are testing a prototype for microlearning. Some of you already have installed the app which is available for iOS (iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone) and only in the German language so far. The mobile application offers short video lectures based on your personal interests. Those of you who have already visited many openHPI courses might recognize the one or the other video. The video snippets of 3-4 minutes build on one another contentwise. Every time you watch a video, other videos are made available. You can rate the videos after having watched them and thus improve the recommendations. We have compiled more than 50 videos from openHPI and other sources for you.

Here you can download the app.

We are looking forward to your feedback! You will be invited to take part in a survey directly in the app.

Besides programming, you can learn a lot of other things on openHPI, for example how search engines or mainframes work, or how you can make your home smart. Here you can find the complete course calendar.

Best regards and happy Easter,
the openHPI Team

nanou-App: Mini-Videos individuell zusammengestellt

Liebe Lerngemeinschaft,

Wir suchen stetig nach neuen Features und Funktionen, die euch beim Lernen unterstützen. Aus diesem Grund möchten wir gerne einen neuen Prototypen zum Thema Micro-Learning testen.

Die mobile Applikation schlägt euch, basierend auch euren Interessen, kurze Lernvideos aus dem IT-Bereich vor. Diese bauen thematisch aufeinander auf. So werden mit jeder Wiedergabe neue Videos freigeschaltet. Die Videos könnt Ihr nach der Wiedergabe bewerten und so die Vorschläge verbessern. Wir haben insgesamt über 50 Videos aus openHPI und anderen Quellen zusammengestellt.

Ladet nanou hier herunter und benutzt die App auf iPhone, iPad oder iPod touch.

Wir freuen uns über eure Teilnahme und euer Feedback! Ihr werdet hierfür direkt in der App zu einer Umfrage eingeladen.

Java Course and some more interesting news

Dear Learning Community,

The course "Object-oriented programming with Java" (in German language) has started. We are looking forward to 4 exciting and intense weeks with you.

Maybe you don't know, yet, what classes, objects, variables and loops are, but no worries, after having taken the course you will have a good overview of these topics. The main focus is on practical programming exercises, which can be edited directly in the browser thanks to the web-based programming platform CodeOcean.

If you are not enrolled to the course, yet, you can do so here.

openHPI at CeBIT

The world's biggest computer fair, the CeBIT in Hannover, came to an end yesterday. Of course, openHPI was there, too. Enriched by a lot of new impressions and feedback, we are back now (a big thank you at this point to all the openHPI learners who came to see us there!). Federal Minister of Education Johanna Wanka, the Saxon Minister of the Interior Markus Ulbig and the ministers Meisch (education) and Schmit (labour) from Luxembourg came to visit HPI and got informed about openHPI and the other HPI MOOC platforms. Furthermore, a lot of school classes took the opportunity to learn more about the HPI and the course offer of openHPI. They especially liked the openHPI quiz in which the players had to answer 10 questions concerning the Internet and social media in a short time - the winner received an openHPI cup.

MOOC BOOK - A guideline on how to apply MOOCs

openHPI recently joined the EU project bizMOOC. Together with 10 partners from the whole of Europe we have summarized in a MOOC BOOK guidelines, best practices and recommendations on how to apply MOOCs. Especially for the world of business and for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) MOOCs have a huge potential, for example for training, marketing or recruiting purposes. Guidelines provide the extensive knowledge on applying MOOCs from external providers and applying self-produced MOOCs, answering questions such as what the potential costs are when employing the existing MOOCs by other providers, or what the options are if the business wants to provide MOOCs on their own.

Did we spark your interest? Here you can access the MOOC BOOK.

Best regards,
the openHPI Team

openHPI gets involved in the BizMOOC project

Dear Learning Community,

Recently, openHPI joined the European BizMOOC project.

We are glad about this opportunity to exchange our MOOC experience with colleagues and researchers all over Europe. We are aiming at merging our knowledge and making it available to all interested stakeholders.

BizMOOC - What is it about?

The project tackles the European challenge of enabling businesses, labour force and universities to increase their activities and exploitation (economies of scale) of the MOOC potential. This will be achieved by creating common standards on MOOCs by integrating the experiences from Higher Education and the business world. The most important result will be the open access MOOC Book, which provides recommendations, guidelines, methods and strategies. Moreover, we'll produce 3 pilot MOOCs focussing on topics such as entrepreneurship and innovation, of which one will run at mooc.house. We'll inform you in good time before the start.

The MOOC Book - Core of the Project

The MOOC Book is the free online resource to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for businesses, workforce and universities. It contains guidelines, good practice and recommendations how to apply MOOCs, opportunities for the use of MOOCs and hot topics such as quality, business models or certification.

What is the right type of MOOC for me? Where can I find MOOCs for certain topics? Do universities recognize learning done through MOOCs? Are MOOCs only an extra expense or also a possible new income source for universities? What are possible reasons for companies to provide MOOCs themselves? What are the technical requirements? This is only a selection of questions which are raised and publicly discussed in the MOOC Book.

Did we spark your interest? Here you find the full text. We are looking forward to your comments!

Best regards,
the openHPI Team

openHPI at CeBIT 2017

Dear Learning Community,

We are looking forward to welcome you at this year's CeBIT which takes place from March 20 to March 24 in Hannover.

At CeBIT 2017 in hall 6 at booth E18 the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) is presenting current research projects from the areas of IT security, digital education, eHealth and Design Thinking in line with this year’s motto: "Growing Together". Here you find more information about the different projects.

We would gladly present you the new features of openHPI such as team peer assessment and the qualified certificate for which students can newly achieve credit points. You would like to provide your own MOOCs? Then we should definitely talk about our mooc.house platform where you can run your own courses with your own branding.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Best regards
the openHPI Team

That's what our learners say

Dear Learning Community,

We regularly ask our users about their motivation to participate in the openHPI courses.
This time we spoke to Dominik Hausner. He is a computer science teacher, who often uses the openHPI programming courses directly in class:

"Around 120 students from our school have participated in the course "Learning how to Program in a Playful Way". They are very interested and enthusiastic about it and even spend their spare time to work on the tasks. Especially, the programming platform CodeOcean offers great didactic possibilities for beginners, which can rarely be found with other education software or student IDEs for computer science."

Do you also want to appear in this section and say a few words on your experience with openHPI? We are looking forward to receiving your statement and photo at openhpi-info@hpi.de.

Best regards,
the openHPI Team

Java - More than a Programming Language

Dear Learning Community,

We are happy to invite you to our new 4-week openHPI course "Object-Oriented Programming in Java" (in German language) which starts on March 27. Here you find the trailer and the button to enroll to the course.

What is it about?

Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is particularly suitable to learn object-oriented programming (OOP).
OOP is a programming paradigm organized around objects, which are often modeled as an abstraction of real life.
Basically, this concept is closer to the human way of thinking than to the requirements of the machine.

Detective Duke and Robot Robin are the protagonists of the course. They will be accompanying the participants through the course and bridge the technical concepts to the real world. Robot Robin, for example, was modeled with specific qualities and capacities to solve the present case.

Step by step, the learners will experience the concepts of classes, objects and variables. How can problems be represented with attributes and methods?
Further topics of the course are constructors and loops, visibilities and inheritance.
Finally, we will have a look at modeling techniques and class diagrams.

The course focuses on practical exercises, which can be implemented comfortably in the web browser on CodeOcean, our integrated programming platform.

Who should attend the course?

The course addresses everyone who is interested in object-oriented programming.
You only need a computer with Internet access to take part. Previous experience may be helpful, but is no requirement.

The course is offered by an HPI team of 7 researchers and students.
We estimate the workload around 3-6 hours per week, depending on the previous knowledge.
Got a taste for Java? Then you already should schedule the following 2-week workshop "Introduction to a Java-IDE" in your calendar to deepen your acquired skills. We are looking forward to seeing you in the course! This workshop is also offered in German only!

Another course recommendation for March: Machine Learning

Have you already seen the course on Machine Learning (in German language) which will start on mooc.house, our partner platform on March 20? During 3 weeks business experts, developers, researchers and users will present methods, tools and application fields of machine learning. Here you can enroll to the course which is offered by acatech (National Academy of Science and Engineering) in cooperation with DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence).

Best regards,
The openHPI Team

That's what our learners say

Dear Leaning Community,

We'd like to regularly quote our learners at this point. Without you, openHPI wouldn't be the successfull learning platform it is.

Oriol Borras Gene is PhD at the Technical University of Madrid and appreciates the features offered by the platform:

"For those who work in the world of IT, openHPI offers a variety of interesting courses. Elements such as video indexation or collab spaces offer additional benefits to the course, making it easier to follow and to learn about the topic."

Do you also want to appear in this section and say a few words on your experience with openHPI? We are looking forward to receiving your statement and photo at openhpi-info@hpi.de.

Best regards,
the openHPI Team


Due to important maintenance tasks for our servers, the openHPI platform is unavailable until approx. 8 pm (CET). We apologize for any inconvenience.

From Web Technologies to Machine Learning

Dear Learning Community,

The course Web Technologies (in German language) started on Monday with more than 6,000 participants. We highly recommend this introduction to the World Wide Web to all of you who have not yet registered.

In week 1, Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel explains the http protocol, caches, and cookies. Learn and discuss with us in the forum and share your experience with the other course participants.

The deadline for week 1's homework has been extended to the 20th of February. So it is still not to late to join the course.

A Qualified Certificate is available for this course. It additionally features a photo of the participant and grants ECTS credits. The Qualified Certificate can still be booked until Friday, February 17.

Please enroll here for the course Web Technologies.

Mastering Digital Transformation - Start: February 13

We would like to draw your attention to another exciting course which starts next Monday on our partner platform mooc.house. Mastering Digital Transformation is a 6 week course in German, run by msg systems. Experts in science and economy will introduce new business models, technologies and recent research on digital transformation. Furthermore, they will provide hands-on examples to show the transformation process in different industry sectors and its impact on our professional life. In week 1, Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel will give a brief introduction into the topic and take up subjects such as internet security and IT innovations for the digital transformation.

Please enroll here for the course Mastering Digital Transformation.

Machine Learning - Start: March 20

Last year the National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) held a course on Industry 4.0 on mooc.house. Shortly, a new acatech course will start - this time they focus on the subject of machine learning.

Assistance systems on your smartphone or autopilots in your car: The technology lying behind is artificial intelligence and machine learning. In this 3 week course in German offered by acatech and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence you will learn to teach machines to learn.

Please enroll here for the course Machine Learning.

We hope you'll find an interesting course in this selection and we are looking forward to see you there.

With kind regards
the openHPI Team

New Course Comes With New Features

Dear Learning Community,

In less than 2 weeks, on the 6th of February, the new 6 week course on Web Technologies starts. We would like to cordially invite you to join!

What is it about?

The World Wide Web has revolutionized our communication, but often the underlying technologies are a great mystery to the user. It brings fundamental changes to our society, and, through Industry 4.0, new insights for industry (e.g., regarding customer behavior). At the same time, new avenues of manipulation have opened for criminals. In the online course, Web Technologies, instructed by Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, you will learn how these killer applications of the Internet work and their main impact on society. The course addresses everyone who wants to know more about the background of the web and to learn how it works.

Here you can watch the trailer and enroll to the course.

Beta version of iOS App is available - Become a tester

This form allows you to register for the openHPI beta test on iPhone and iPad: https://tools.openhpi.de/survey/index.php?r=survey&sid=955163&lang=en

A few days after registering, you will receive an email from Apple with a link to our invitation code. You will first need to install the TestFlight app on your iPhone or iPad from the Apple App Store. After entering the invitation code in the app you can download the openHPI app and start testing. We are looking forward to your feedback.

New Gamification Features

Our developers have activated some new features at the beginning of this year. Feel free to try them out in the Web Technologies course for the first time. Some of you might already know them from the gamification elements in mooc.house.

Gamification makes it possible to reward high activity in the forum or continuous work in the course - things that were not taken into consideration with the credit points. Those who give good answers, for example, and help their peers receive the Knowledgeable Badge and a certain amount of XP (Experience Points). These points are also reflected in the user states, as well, which is visible to the other users in the forum (highest level: "purple belt" with 50,000 XP).

Here we explain how badges and points are distributed.

MOOCs for study - get credit points for openHPI courses

Since the end of 2016 we have been offering a new type of performance record at openHPI: The Qualified Certificate with photo. This certificate allows us to verify that the participant has actually taken the exam independently. It can be obtained for all 6-week courses (i.e., the Web Technologies course, as well).

On the courses page you find a note in orange reading "Qualified Certificate / ECTS". It marks all courses that offer a qualified certificate. HPI recommends the awarding of 2 credit points for such a certificate.

We are looking forward to seeing you in the course!

See you soon,
The openHPI Team

The World Wide Web - How does it work?

Dear Learning Community,

We hope that you had a good start in the New Year! We are working intensely on the new course Web Technologies (in German) which will start on February 6, 2017. We would like to sincerely invite you all!

What is the Course about?

The World Wide Web is the most powerful application of the Internet. Online banking, Internet shopping and communication within seconds would not be possible in the convenient way we know today. In this course we would like to give you an overview of this technology, e.g. have a look at the identification scheme in the web (URI). We will explain how documents are requested and transmitted in the web (HTTP). Do you actually know what cookies are good for? What about how linking works? How do documents have to be structured to be read by machines (XML)? We'd like to answer all these questions in the course. Nowadays, websites are often very complex systems – entire application programs are offered in the browser. You'll learn the basics of web programming, databases and frameworks and get to know JavaScript which is used for example to implement effects on websites or Ruby on Rails which is used to carry out complex web projects. At the end of the course Prof. Meinel will talk about the effects of the Web on society and give advice about where users of this technology should be careful. Twitter bots, echo chambers or identity theft and other security aspects are only some of the topics which will play a role in week 6.

Who is the Course for?

The course is intended for all interested Internet user who would like to get a better understanding of the underlying technologies of the web. The only thing you need is curiosity, a bit of time, and Internet access - There are no pre-requisites.

Here you can enroll for the course on Web Technologies.

Recommend openHPI and win 1 out of 10 vouchers for the qualified certificate

Do you like our platform and the course offer? Invite your friends to become part of the openHPI learning community. Spread this email or invite your friends via Facebook to join our next course: https://www.facebook.com/events/203394706792678/.
Among all who bring 3 or more new learners on openHPI we'll draw 10 vouchers for the qualified certificate to a value of 60 euro. Please write an email to stefanie.schweiger@hpi.de, keyword "January Campaign", and mention name and email address of the person who has newly enrolled at openHPI.

We are looking forward to seeing you in the course!

Best regards,
The openHPI Team

Highlights of 2017

Dear Learning Community,

As another year draws to a close, we'd like to seize this opportunity to sum up the highlights of 2016.

This was 2016

From smart home to digital health
In 2016, we were very pleased to exceed our course enrollment threshold of 300,000, with a 46% growth of 107,886 enrollments in total since January! Next to front runners such as Internet Security or How does the Internet work?, we also widened our scope to include several new topics.

Dr. Manuel Effenberg from the HPI School of Entrepreneurship (E-School) offered a 2-week workshop on how to create a successful IT startup. In addition, Dr. Matthieu-P. Schapranow, who is the "E-Health" Program Manager at HPI has just finished his lectures on the Code of Life - When Computer Science meets Genetics. Our statistics tell us that the course on Embedded Smart Home was highly popular. Perhaps because participants could dive into the world of smart home using their own raspberry pi and temperature as well as humidity sensors. Another newcomer, Lisa Ihde, who is an undergraduate student at HPI addressed our young audience with a course on designing your own homepage.

MOOCs for study
A lot has changed on the platform from a technical point of view, too. Probably the most significant new feature is the qualified certificate which went live in October 2016. This certificate which includes the participant's photo next to the typical course and grading information makes it possible for students to obtain credit points for MOOCs at their home university.

Android and iOS App
The Android app has been on the market for a while now already. iPhone owners can be joyful because openHPI announced news on the beta version of the iOS app last Sunday. For those of you who own an iPhone and want to test the app, you are welcome to provide us with your email address on the form available in the Advent MOOC (week 4).

Start of the Web Technologies course (in German) on February 6

Next year we will take off with a course many of you might already know. The Web Technologies course which was last offered in 2015 has been updated and extended with a variety of topics. We plan to spend one whole week discussing the "Web in Society", as this technology permeates our society in a profound way. We will have a closer look at phenomena such as formation of opinion and manipulation in social media, security in the Social Web and Internet of Things.

Have we succeeded in enkindling you interest? If so, please enroll here.

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! And if you are bored during the holidays take a look at openHPI. On December 24, on the Advent MOOC, we are going to lift the secret of the participants' favorite feature. How exciting!

Best regards,
The openHPI Team

Available now: Course Program 2017

Dear Learning Community,

What a nice advent surprise! The new openHPI course program is online now. In case you haven’t already seen it, here’s a short summary of what we are going to cover in 2017:

  • We'll start with a relaunch of the 6-week Web Technologies course (in German) which was last successfully held in 2015. The participants will learn how the World Wide Web works. Through this killer Internet application worldwide communication is possible within seconds.

  • April and May are "Java months". First, the openHPI team is giving a 4-week introduction to object-orientated programming combined with an exciting detective story. In the following 2-week workshop the participants can put to use what they have learned. Both courses are held in German.

  • Those who loved the search engines subject in the course Web Technologies, should have a look at the 2-week workshop How do search engines work. Dr. Ralf Krestel explains the basics of information retrieval (in German).

  • The next newcomer is a 6-week course on mainframes (in German). Nearly all big players work with these computers. Prof. Andreas Polze and other experts on the subject will present the architecture and characteristics of these mainframes.

  • The next course is for all hobbyists among you. In the 2-week workshop Embedded Smart Home we explain how you can control the illumination at your home using a raspberry pi and some sensors and actuators. This course is in German.

  • Another new topic that adds to the diversity is an Introduction to Algorithmics (in German). The 2-week course is a good preparation for the study of computer science. Computer science and mathematics are closely linked. For example, the search algorithms of Google are based on mathematical laws.

  • Next year we’ll again have what many of you have asked for this year: In-Memory Data Management, our long running course which has been in high demand since openHPI started (English, 6 weeks).

  • openHPI without a course on security??? In the relaunch of Social Media - What No One has Told you about Privacy, learners experience which risks lurk in social media and how they can protect themselves, for example by choosing the right settings (English, 2 weeks).

  • As usual, the last course of the year comes from the Semantic Web research group. How can we find useful information in the huge web? How can the meaning of information be accessed in an automated way and interpreted correctly? Prof. Sack will answer these questions in his 6-week course on Semantic Web Technologies (in English).

10 exciting topics - but who knows ... we have received your course wishes in the Advent MOOC, and the vote is yet to be decided.

Enroll now and don’t miss out on your favorite course!

You can find our complete course program here.

Best winter wishes,
The openHPI Team

Advent MOOC

Dear Learning Community,

In the coming weeks, we just want to make you smile with our “mini MOOC.” There are a total of 4 surprises that we will reveal to you on the coming Sundays before Christmas.

Tomorrow, Prof. Christoph Meinel will announce in a short video what will be the first surprise. Don't miss this event and enroll for it now.

Here you can enroll for the Advent MOOC.

Have a great weekend!

Best regards,
The openHPI Team

Survey on game-based learning

Dear Learning Community,

We are working continuously to improve the learner experience on our platform. Today, we would like to know what you think about game-based learning.

Whereas in gamification, participants are rewarded points and badges (e.g. for making significant contributions to the forum), in game-based learning, a game is implemented in the course context which creates playful access to the topic.

Please take 5 minutes to answer a couple of questions on the subject.

Link to the survey: https://tools.openhpi.de/survey/index.php?r=survey%2Findex&sid=975453

Thank you!

Best regards
the openHPI Team

openHPI forum - Recording available on tele-TASK

This year's openHPI forum was a big success. We started with a world cafe on the previous day which was used to discuss questions relating to the future of digital education within a small group.

The exciting talks and panel discussions by known speakers (e.g., from Carlos III University Madrid, Deutsche Telekom, SAP, World Health Organization), attracted around 75 visitors on the HPI campus.

Everyone who couldn't attend personally, can watch the recording of the event on tele-TASK: https://www.tele-task.de/

New version of our Android App

Try out our new openHPI Android app. It can be installed on the SD card of supported devices.
Big advantage: More space for offline videos. Moreover, it supports Android 7 functions such as MultiWindow and round icons under 7.1. See yourself how we have optimized the previous version.

Download it here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.xikolo.openhpi

If you want to know more or help us, you can do so here: https://github.com/openHPI/xikolo-android/releases/tag/v1.6

New Functions

Main new functions of the version 1.6 at a glance:

  • App can be installed on external storage
  • Android 7: Support for Multi-Window usage
  • Android 7.1: Support for round app icons
  • Major internal changes
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

Code of Life: Medicine Meets Computer Science

Dear Learning Community,

The new openHPI workshop "Code of Life - When Computer Science Meets Genetics" is about the interaction of IT and medicine and the opportunities inherent to the analysis of digital genetic data. The new 2-week course starts on November 14 on openHPI.

What is the course about?

With the help of state-of-the-art computer technologies huge datasets can be analysed today in seconds. Especially in medicine, these intelligent algorithms are extremely helpful in recognizing disease patterns and the likelihood of an illness at an early stage.

The English workshop will be held by Dr. Matthieu Schapranow, Program Manager e-health. It provides an introduction to the subject. In the first week participants can refresh their knowledge of genetics (e.g., on DNA, RNA and genetic change).

In the second course week the focus will be on processing and interpreting data and is directed at, among other, medical professionals. The participants will have the possibility to try out for themselves a few applications for medical data analysis and to evaluate their relevance.

Who is the course for?

The course is intended for everyone who would like to get to know more about the foundations of human life. Furthermore, the teaching team recommends it to students and researchers of natural sciences (biology, genetics, medical experts, computer scientists). The forum discussions with participants from different disciplines and the teaching team can be particularly rewarding.

You can easily enroll here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/ehealth2016

We hope that you are interested in diving into this exciting topic with us. Pre-course reading materials as well as additional information about our projects focusing on digital health are available at https://we.analyzegenomes.com/.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Best regards,
the openHPI Team

Now bookable: Qualified Certificate for Semantic Web Course

Dear learning community,

In the course "Linked Data Engineering" which starts on October 17, you will be able to book a qualified certificate - a new offer at openHPI. Booking for the new proof of performance is now open.

If you are enrolled for the course, you will see the button "Book a Qualified Certificate" on the course detail page. More information and advantages of this new feature are summarized under this link: https://open.hpi.de/pages/document_types?locale=en#qualified-certificate.

We are looking forward to your feedback!

The openHPI team

openSAP in final round of German competition "Land of Ideas"

Dear openHPI community,

As many of you might know openSAP made it into the top 10 with Land of Ideas in Germany!
Please support the project “Auch du kannst das – Onlinekurs für ehrenamtliche Deutschlehrer” with your vote. The course, delivered in German, is designed to show potential teaching volunteers how they can get started to teach German to refugees. (Voting is available in German language only. Voters can use one vote per day during the voting period which ends on the 6th of October).

Please click here to vote: https://www.db.com/cr/de/gesellschaft/nachbar-schafft-innovation.htm

Coming soon: New courses on openHPI
On October 10, the new junior workshop Programming with Etoys will start (German course) on openHPI. You will be surprised how programming skills can help understand complicated physical phenomenons.

One week later, Prof. Sack will explain in his practical course on Linked Data Engineering how to create, to use, and to publish Linked Data as well as Linked Data vocabularies (i.e. ontologies).

We are looking forward to seeing you, soon. Have a nice weekend!
The openHPI team

Try our new "course completed" function

Dear Learning Community,

It is now possible to mark the courses in your personal course “dashboard” as “completed.” You may ask yourself, what’s the advantage of this new feature?

Until now courses were only shown as completed and entered into the “dashboard” at the bottom of the page when you had finished at least as many tasks and watched enough videos to earn a “Confirmation of Participation” (min. 50% of course contents must have been viewed and worked on). Alternatively, there had to be a certificate ready for download.

But what if you visit just a part of a course and don’t want to continue working on the rest of the contents? No problem: with this new function it’s possible to make courses “disappear” from the current view, even if you have watched only a little of their contents. Simply click on “Mark as completed”. You will then be asked again whether you have really finished learning in the course before it is moved to the bottom of the page. The dashboard is arranged in a way that is clearer and more manageable for you as a participant. You are able to organize your courses so that only those at the top are the ones you are actually working on at the moment.
Have fun learning!

October on openHPI: Linked Data Engineering and Programming with Etoys

Dear learning community,

In autumn, openHPI has come up with a varied mix of online courses.

"Linked Data Engineering" - Starting on October 17

The openHPI course “Linked Data Engineering” is about to start on October 17, 2016. As you might have already noticed, the course content will be very much related to last years’ courses “Semantic Web Technologies” and “Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Web Technologies”.

What are the differences between “Linked Data Engineering” and the previous courses?
In the upcoming course, we try to tackle the content more from a practitioner’s point of view, i.e. less mathematical background, less formal theory, and more of an emphasis on the application of Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies. We will completely skip logic and logical proof theory. You will learn how to create, to use, and to publish Linked Data as well as Linked Data vocabularies (i.e. ontologies). The following topics will be covered:

  • Understanding Data on the Web
  • Fundamental Linked Data Web Technologies (URI, HTTP content negotiation)
  • Universal Data Representation with RDF
  • Linked Data vocabularies with RDFS and OWL
  • Querying Linked Data with SPARQL
  • Linked Data Engineering and
  • Linked Data Applications

“Linked Data Engineering” comprises 6 weeks with 6-7 video lecture recordings of 10-15 minutes each. The lectures are complemented by exercises and weekly exams. As usual, in the end we will also have a final exam.

Did we spark your interest? You can enroll for the course here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/semanticweb2016

There’s a new feature at openHPI: from now on participants can receive a Qualified Certificate. Unlike the previous certificates, the Qualified Certificate also contains a photograph of the participant. As part of the qualification process, the participant agrees to be proctored via webcam during weekly assignments and the final exam. The online-proctoring technology allows us to verify automatically that the registered user is actually the one taking the weekly assignments and final exam.

openHPI Junior: "Programming with Etoys" (in German)

On October 10, we are offering for the first time a Junior workshop called "Programming with Etoys" (in German). The participants will learn how programming can help to facilitate tasks and to understand situations of daily life better. For programming beginners, Etoys offers an easy access to software development. The course addresses students from age 12 and over.

If you want to join the course community, please enroll here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/etoys2016

We are looking forward to seeing you at openHPI.

Best regards,
The openHPI Team

New on openHPI: Get your Qualified Certificate

Book now our brand new openHPI qualified certificate with your photo on it and get 2 credit points for Prof. Meinel's course on Internetworking (in German). More information about the booking process on https://open.hpi.de/courses/internetworking2016.

Kursstart: IT-Recht - 9 Themen, die Sie kennen sollten

Liebe Lerngemeinschaft,

morgen hat der 4-wöchige Kurs "IT-Recht für Software-Entwickler - 9 Themen, die Sie kennen sollten" auf openHPI Premiere.

IT-Recht - Das erwartet Sie

Als Programmierer oder IT-Unternehmer stößt man früher oder später auf rechtliche Fragestellungen. Was muss ich wissen, wenn ich eine eigene Software unter eigenem Label auf den Markt bringen möchte? Welche Art von Vertrag kommt zustande, wenn ich Software gegen Gebühr anbiete? Wann und wie kann ich eine Erfindung schützen? Welche grundlegenden datenschutzrechtlichen Vorgaben gibt es, die ich als Software-Entwickler einhalten muss? Das ist nur eine Auswahl der Fragen, die im Kurs besprochen werden.

In unserem Massive Open Online Course "IT-Recht für Software-Entwickler", der von den renommierten Anwälten Dr. Brandi-Dohrn und Prof. Czychowski konzipiert und geleitet wird, zeigen wir Ihnen die wichtigsten rechtlichen Themen, die Sie im Auge behalten und möglichst schon frühzeitig klären sollten. Melden Sie sich jetzt an und nutzen Sie das Diskussionsforum für den Erfahrungsaustausch mit den anderen Kursteilnehmern.

Hier geht es zur Anmeldung: https://open.hpi.de/courses/it-recht2016

Für wen ist der Kurs gedacht?

Das Angebot richtet sich insbesondere an Software-Ingenieure sowie Leiter und Gründer von IT-Unternehmen. Generell ist der Kurs offen für alle, die sich für das Thema interessieren. Vorkenntnisse werden keine erwartet. Pro Kurswoche ist mit einem Arbeitsaufwand von circa drei Stunden zu rechnen, um bereitgestellte Videos, Selbsttest-Aufgaben und bewertete Hausaufgaben zu bearbeiten. Für die erfolgreiche Kursteilnahme erhalten die Teilnehmer ein Zeugnis des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie und sind gespannt auf die Resonanz zu diesem neuen Thema.

Viele Grüße,
das openHPI-Team

New: Qualified Certificate and ECTS Credits

Dear Learning Community,
For the first time openHPI will be offering a Qualified Certificate in the course “Wie funktioniert das Internet” (How does the Internet work?) starting on Monday, September 5th.

Qualified Certificate

Unlike the previous certificates, the Qualified Certificate additionally contains a photograph of the participant. The participant agrees to be proctored via webcam during the weekly assignments and the final exam.
The online-proctoring technology allows us to verify automatically that the user who registered is taking the weekly assignments and final exam in person.

Furthermore, the Qualified Certificate contains a supplement with detailed information about the course.
The Qualified Certificate is subject to a fee.
Course participation, and the Confirmation of Participation and the Record of Achievement continue to be free of charge.

ECTS Credits

The Hasso Plattner Institute recommends that 2 ECTS Credits be granted for a Qualified Certificate. If you're planning to get an openHPI course credited, please contact your examination authority to make sure that our recommendation is accepted. To support your request, we provide you with a sample Qualified Certificate, including the supplementary information.

More information on the Qualified Certificate: https://open.hpi.de/pages/document_types
Enroll for the course "Wie funktioniert das Internet?": https://open.hpi.de/courses/internetworking2016

Best regards,
The openHPI Team

New Courses on openHPI

Dear Learning Community,

We would like to draw your attention to the following courses:
The course “Wie funktioniert das Internet” (Internetworking with TCP/IP) will start on Monday, 5 September and will be held in German.
It will be run by Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, addresses a wide audience and requires no prior knowledge.
If you would like to participate please enroll here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/internetworking2016

Our next course in English starts on 17 October 2016.
The title is: "Linked Data Engineering" and will be held by Dr. Harald Sack.
If you would like to participate please enroll here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/semanticweb2016

Best regards,
the openHPI Team

Maintenance Downtime

openHPI will go offline for a short maintenance task today at 10:00 am (CEST). The downtime will last approx. 60 minutes.

Try the new Second Screen Beta for Android!

Dear Learning Community, we released a new version of openHPI for Android with a new Second Screen beta function, that allows you to discover additional content on your mobile device, while watching video lectures on your computer. Simply update and start the app and play a video lecture on your computer's browser. The app will notify you, when a video is discovered. Please tell us in a short survey, how your experience was. This helps us with our research and ongoing improvement of the platform and the apps.

ECTS credits for openHPI courses

Dear Learning Community,

Earning ECTS credits for openHPI courses? It’s possible starting in September!

From September on you can earn a verified certificate for all 6-week openHPI courses. All graded exercises and the final exam will be monitored via webcam and evaluated automatically. There’s a special advantage for those of you studying at a university: our recommendation of awarding 2 ECTS points with the certificate (which will now also include a photo). Please speak to your university’s exam office first to make sure you can credit the MOOC at your university.

The course “Create Your Own Homepage” just started July 6th

On Wednesday a new openHPI workshop for young people was launched. In this free, two-week Massive Open Online Course, bachelor student Lisa Ihde, and her fellow students Amadeus Glöckner and Florian Schmidt provide the basic knowledge for programming and designing a homepage. You learn, for instance, how you can design your own logo with Inkscape, which templates make it easy to create your own homepage, and what you need to observe in terms of image and copyright. The course is aimed at girls and boys age 9 and up. Enrollment is still possible at: https://open.hpi.de/courses/homepage2016?locale=en

Apply now to study at HPI

With the online courses at openHPI, the Hasso Plattner Institute reaches a far bigger audience with its educational offers. We are very happy to be able to share the exciting IT contents with so many people around the world.
At the same time, we encourage you to have a look at our bachelor, master or PhD programs. You can find all the details on our HPI website.

Those wishing to study on-campus can still apply for the winter semester 2016/17 until 15. July.

That’s all for now!

Best wishes,
Your openHPI Team

So einfach geht's zur eigenen Homepage

Liebe openHPI-Fans, liebe Mädels und Jungs,

Am 6. Juli hat der nächste openHPI-Juniorkurs Premiere. Bachelorstudentin Lisa Ihde erklärt in dem 2-wöchigen kostenlosen Kurs "Wie designe ich meine eigene Homepage", wie du zu deiner eigenen Homepage gelangst.

Weitere Infos und Anmeldung unter: https://open.hpi.de/courses/homepage2016

Was erfahre ich im Kurs?

Im Kurs erklärt Lisa, wie Webseiten üblicherweise programmiert sind und wie du selbst leicht eine eigene Homepage programmieren kannst. Die Studentin geht dabei auch auf die unzähligen Vorlagen (Templates) ein, die du nutzen kannst, um deine eigene Seite aufzubauen. Doch damit Besucherinnen und Besucher sich gerne auf deiner Homepage umsehen, ist es wichtig, dass sie zum Thema passend gestaltet wird. Daher wird das Design eine wichtige Rolle spielen: Woher bekomme ich witzige Icons? Wie kann ich eigene Icons und Figuren erstellen? Ein eigenes Logo wäre schön - wie geht das? Bei Bildern und Dateien aus dem Internet ist Vorsicht geboten. Vor der Verwendung müssen die Urheberrechte geklärt sein. Das und viele weitere Fragen werden im Kurs besprochen.

Welche Voraussetzungen sollte ich mitbringen?

KEINE! Lisa und ihr Team werden von Null anfangen und den Stoff so vorbereiten, dass ihn alle verstehen - ob mit Programmiererfahrung oder ohne. Der Kurs richtet sich in erster Linie an Schülerinnen und Schüler ab 9 Jahren, generell sind aber wie bei all unseren openHPI-Kursen alle willkommen, die Lust haben, eine eigene Webseite zu veröffentlichen oder die einfach erfahren möchten, was hinter den Seiten, auf denen sie tagtäglich surfen, eigentlich steckt.

Was bringt mir der Kurs?

Natürlich erst einmal jede Menge Spaß und Tipps für deine eigene Homepage - das Wissen lässt sich vielfältig einsetzen, wie wäre es z.B. mit einer Seite über deine Band, deinen Sportverein oder deine Klasse? Zusätzlich erhältst du für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Kurs ein Zeugnis des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts . Es wird spannende Aufgaben und eine Abschlussprüfung geben und alle, die mindestens die Hälfte der Punktzahl erreichen, bekommen am Kursende ihr Zertifikat.

Viele Grüße,
euer openHPI-Team

openHPI-Kurs zu Smart Home - Machen Sie Ihr Zuhause intelligent!

Liebe Lerngemeinschaft,

in unserem neuen openHPI-Kurs "Embedded Smart Home", der am 6. Juni startet, wollen wir Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie Ihr eigenes Smart Home Projekt auf Basis eines Raspberry Pis starten können. Die Promovenden Jan Renz, Matthias Bauer und Martin Malchow führen durch den Kurs und stehen Ihnen bei der Programmierung beratend zur Seite.

Hier geht es zur Anmeldung: https://open.hpi.de/courses/smarthome2016

Was erfahre ich im Kurs?

Während des Kurses bekommen Sie Einblicke und Tipps, wie Sie Ihr eigenes Smart Home Projekt auf Basis eines Raspberry Pis und unter Nutzung von Sensoren, Aktuatoren und Displays planen und umsetzen können. Sie können das erlernte Wissen direkt in Ihrem eigenen Zuhause anwenden und nutzen. Unterschiedliche Szenarien sind denkbar: Wie wäre es z.B. Ihr Garagentor so zu programmieren, dass es sich öffnet, sobald sich Ihr Auto nähert? Oder Sie schalten den Backofen schon vom Supermarkt aus per Handy an, sodass er bereits vorgeheizt ist, wenn Sie zu Hause ankommen. Wenn es während längerer Abwesenheit zu Temperaturveränderungen in Ihrem Haus kommt, merken Sensoren das ebenfalls und Sie können eingreifen, bevor ein Schaden entsteht.

Was ist ein Raspberry Pi und was kann ich damit tun?

Der Raspberry Pi ist ein scheckkartengroßer Minicomputer ohne Gehäuse, der nicht nur bei Hobbybastlern beliebt ist, sondern auch von zahlreichen Unternehmen genutzt wird. Der Raspberry Pi kann praktisch alles, was große und teure Computer auch können: Software ausführen, Daten speichern, Daten senden und empfangen - über Anschlüsse oder über kabelloses Internet. Mithilfe der grünen Leiterplatte und verschiedenen Bauteilen und Sensoren können z.B. Maschinen in der Fabriken gesteuert werden oder die Heizung oder die Pflanzenbewässerung von der Ferne reguliert werden.

Welche Voraussetzungen sollte ich mitbringen?

Um für den Kurs gewappnet zu sein, empfehlen wir Ihr Programmierwissen im zurückliegenden Python Kurs ("Spielend Programmieren lernen 2015") aufzufrischen. Eigenes Equipment wird nicht benötigt, da alle Programmieraufgaben direkt auf unserer Lernplattform durchgeführt werden können. Wer möchte, kann aber auch ein eigenes Gerät nutzen und selbst mitbasteln. Eine Einkaufsempfehlung für ein Starterpaket mit dem Raspberry Pi und allen nötigen Bauteilen und Sensoren finden Sie auf der Kursdetailseite zur Verfügung stellen.

Interesse geweckt? Dann melden Sie sich am besten gleich an. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Was gibt es sonst noch Neues am HPI?

Zum Schluss wollen wir Sie noch auf eine Veranstaltung aufmerksam machen, die am 11. und 12. Mai 2016 am HPI stattfindet. Auf der Konferenz "i4j Summit Germany - Innovation for Jobs" werden wir die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf den Arbeitsmarkt mit Stakeholdern aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft sowie den Konferenzteilnehmern diskutieren.

Zur vollständigen Agenda und Anmeldung: http://www.hpi.de/i4jkonferenz

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme.

Viele Grüße,
das openHPI-Team

Industrie 4.0-Kurs und Java-Workshop starten in Kürze

Liebe Lerngemeinschaft,

in Kürze starten zwei neue Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) auf den HPI-eigenen Plattformen: "Hands-on Industrie 4.0" und "Einführung in die Testgetriebene Entwicklung mit JUnit".

Am Montag fällt auf mooc.house der Startschuss für den Onlinekurs zur Industrie 4.0, einer Kooperation des HPI und der Deutschen Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (acatech). Eine Woche später, am 2. Mai, startet auf openHPI der 2-wöchige Workshop "Einführung in die Testgetriebene Entwicklung mit JUnit". Ralf Teusner und Thomas Staubitz - beide als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter am HPI tätig und unter openHPI-Lernern bereits bekannt - führen durch den Kurs.

Onlinekurs zur Industrie 4.0

Was bringt mir die Teilnahme?
Was ist Industrie 4.0? Welche Ziele werden damit verfolgt? Wie wandelt Industrie 4.0 Arbeitsprozesse? Was heißt das konkret für die Arbeitnehmer? Welche neuen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen sollten in Unternehmen getroffen werden? Wie kann ich Industrie 4.0 systematisch in meinem Betrieb einführen? Das ist nur eine Auswahl der Fragen, die im Kurs diskutiert und beantwortet werden. Die Teilnahme am Kurs soll Klarheit über den Begriff schaffen und anhand von Expertenmeinungen und einer Vielzahl von Praxisbeispielen Hilfestellung bei der Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0 geben. Außerdem haben die Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit, im Diskussionsforum mit den beteiligten Referenten aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft zu diskutieren und ihre Fragen zu stellen. Am Ende des Kurses gibt es eine Teilnahmebestätigung für alle, die mindestens 50% des Lernstoffes bearbeitet haben.

An wen richtet sich der Kurs?
Der Kurs richtet sich einerseits an Unternehmer, Entscheider und Fachleute aus den kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Andererseits möchten wir die interessierte Öffentlichkeit erreichen, da die 4. industrielle Revolution wie Industrie 4.0 auch genannt wird branchenübergreifend unser Leben und Arbeiten verändern wird.

Für alle, die es noch nicht getan haben, heißt es: Schnell noch anmelden und mitdiskutieren.

Hier geht es zur Anmeldung:



Java-Workshop: Einführung in die Testgetriebene Entwicklung mit JUnit

Worum geht es?
In diesem Kurs steht das automatisierte Testen im Mittelpunkt. Warum ist Testen so wichtig? Wird es unterlassen, kann es schnell passieren, dass sich unzufriedene Software-Nutzer bei den Programmierern melden. Um das zu vermeiden, lernen die Kursteilnehmer, wie sie mithilfe des Java-Frameworks JUnit wiederholbare Tests für ihre Programme selber schreiben können. Der Kurs bietet eine Reihe an praktischen Aufgaben, die in CodeOcean, einer am HPI entwickelten Programmierplattform, und in Eclipse durchgeführt werden. Bei erfolgreicher Teilnahme an der Abschlussprüfung gibt es zudem die Möglichkeit, ein Zertifikat des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts zu erhalten.

An wen richtet sich der Kurs?
Der Kurs richtet sich an alle, die Spaß haben am Programmieren und bereits über erste Erfahrungen in der Objektorientierten Programmierung in Java und der Eclipse IDE verfügen. Der Kurs "Java für Einsteiger" sowie der "Workshop Einführung in eine Java- Programmierumgebung (IDE)", stehen im openHPI-Archiv zur Auffrischung der Java Grundkenntnisse zur Verfügung.

Interessenten können sich hier anmelden:


Die beiden Dozenten freuen sich auf einen interessanten Austausch. Gestalten Sie den Kurs selbst mit, indem Sie Ihre Fragen und Ideen zum Thema "Software testen" einbringen.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Viele Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende wünscht
das openHPI-Team

Onlinekurs zur Industrie 4.0 startet am 25. April auf mooc.house

Liebe Lerngemeinschaft,

Kostenloser Onlinekurs "Hands-on Industrie 4.0" auf Lernplattform mooc.house. Über 40 Referenten zeigen Anwendungsbeispiele und geben Tipps, wie Industrie 4.0 erfolgreich umgesetzt werden kann.

Hier geht es zur Anmeldung auf mooc.house. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Ihre openHPI-Login-Daten nicht automatisch auf der Schwesterplattform mooc.house funktionieren, sondern Sie sich dort gesondert registrieren müssen.

Zum Aufbau des Kurses

Der Kurs ist in 5 Themenwochen gegliedert, die jeweils von einem "Themenpaten" gemanagt werden. Unter der Leitung von Prof. Reiner Anderl von der TU Darmstadt wird in Woche 1 die "Vision Industrie 4.0" vorgestellt, um dem Schlagwort, das zur Zeit für viel mediale Aufmerksamkeit sorgt, etwas mehr Kontur zu verleihen. Dr. Peter Weckesser von SIEMENS wird in dieser Woche ebenso sprechen wie Prof. Dieter Spath von der Wittenstein AG uvm.

In Woche 2 stehen die "Technologischen Grundlagen" im Mittelpunkt. Technische Systeme werden intelligent, man spricht auch von Cyber-Physical Systems. Themenpate Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster vom Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) führt in die Woche ein, in der u.a. Bernd Leukert von SAP und Heinrich Munz von KUKA Roboter zu Wort kommen werden.

Industrie 4.0 bedeutet in vielen Bereichen eine Verschiebung von Aufgabenschwerpunkten, einen Wandel der Arbeit. Wie sich Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter auf diese Situation optimal vorbereiten, was das für das Thema Weiterbildung bedeutet uvm., darum geht es in Woche 3. Prof. Arnold Picot von der LMU München ist für diesen Bereich verantwortlich und hat sich als weitere Experten u.a. Constanze Kurz von der IG Metall, Dr. Uwe Schirmer von Bosch und Klaus Herrmann von Festo Lernzentrum ins Team geholt.

Im Spezial-Know-how liegt der USP vieler Unternehmen. Dieses Wissen in der Cloud zu speichern erscheint daher hochriskant. "Sicherheit" ist grundlegend, damit Industrie 4.0 gelingen kann. Woche 4 ist daher diesem zentralen Aspekt gewidmet, für den Prof. Christoph Meinel vom Hasso-Plattner-Institut die Themenpatenschaft übernommen hat. Hören Sie unter anderem, was Prof. Claudia Eckert vom Fraunhofer AISEC und Wolf-Rüdiger Moritz, Sicherheitschef von Infineon, raten.

Industrie 4.0 systematisch umsetzen - aber wie? Das ist die große Frage, die in Woche 5 besprochen werden soll, wenn es ganz konkret um die Einführung im Betrieb geht. Themenpate Prof. Günther Schuh von der RWTH Aachen wird in die Woche einführen und hat sich Experten wie Franz Gruber von FORCAM und Dr. Christian Mosch vom VDMA für die weitere Vertiefung des Themas hinzugeholt.

Kurze Überblickvideos zu den einzelnen eben genannten Kapiteln des Kurses haben wir auf unserem YouTube-Channel für Sie zusammengestellt. Wir möchten Sie nun herzlich dazu einladen, sich für den Kurs einzuschreiben. Diskutieren Sie dieses hochaktuelle Thema mit uns im kurseigenen Forum und tauschen Sie sich mit uns und untereinander zu Best Practises aus. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Viele Grüße,
Ihr openHPI-Team

Kurs zur Unternehmensgründung am Montag gestartet

Liebe Lerngemeinschaft,

am 4. April startete der openHPI-Workshop zum Thema "Unternehmensgründung im IT-Bereich - Wie gründe ich erfolgreich ein IT-Startup?". Dr. Manuel Effenberg, Dozent für Entrepreneurship am HPI, und sein Team sind für die Konzeption und Durchführung des Onlinekurses verantwortlich. Der Einstieg ist immer noch möglich. Jetzt anmelden unter: [https://open.hpi.de/courses/startup2016][1] und mitlernen!

Der Kurs richtet sich zum einen an die interessierte Öffentlichkeit, zum anderen an diejenigen, die bereits eine eigene Geschäftsidee verfolgen und erfahren möchten, wie die Gründung Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg wird. In der ersten Woche wird es z.B. um die Frage nach der richtigen Teamzusammenstellung gehen, eine essentielle Voraussetzung für den erfolgreichen Unternehmensaufbau. Außerdem erhalten die Teilnehmer in Woche 1 eine Einführung in die Erstellung des Business Models Canvas, als grundlegenden “Kompass” in der Phase der Unternehmensgründung. Abgeschlossen wird die Woche mit der Vorstellung des Lean Start-up Ansatzes sowie der Arbeit mit dem Lean Canvas, einer speziellen Variante des Business Models Canvas, um frühzeitig im Gründungsprozess den Fokus auf den Kunden zu legen und keine Ressourcen zu verschwenden.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme und sind gespannt auf den Austausch von Best Practices untereinander im Diskussionsforum!

Viele Grüße
Ihr openHPI-Team

Besucher unseres CeBIT Messestands kommen zu Wort

Gestern ging in Hannover die CeBIT zu Ende. Das Team von openHPI und mooc.HOUSE blickt auf 5 erfolgreiche Tage zurück. Besucher konnten an unserem Stand u.a. das tele-TASK-Aufnahmesystem testen, mit dem all unsere Videos erstellt werden. In kurzen Videoclips erzählen Gäste des HPI-Stands, aber auch HPI-Mitarbeiter von ihren Messeerlebnissen. Die 5 originellsten Aufnahmen wurden mit Raspberry Pis belohnt. Hier finden Sie die entstandenen Kurzvideos: https://mooc.house/courses/cebit2016. Um die Beiträge sehen zu können, müssen Sie sich kurz mit E-Mail-Adresse und Nutzername auf mooc.HOUSE registrieren und für den CeBIT-Kurs anmelden.

openHPI provides tips for business creation

Dear learning community,

Would you like to know how to found successfully an IT startup? Exciting workshop - not only for computer scientists.

How do I successfully found an IT startup? (in German) – Course available in self-paced mode
On April 4th the 2-week workshop “Successful Business Creation in IT” will begin. Created and led by Manual Effenberg, lecturer for IT entrepreneurship, the course gives an overview of all aspects that must be considered when founding an IT startup. You can enroll in the course here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/startup2016. Read in our blog how the idea for this course was born.

Business Process and Decision Modeling (in English) – Course available in self-paced mode
Anyone who already has his or her own business, or who would like to learn how to manage business processes, can look forward to our course Business Process and Decision Modeling, starting on April 11. For more information and registration please click here: https://open.hpi.de/courses/bpm2016.