Records on openHPI


Confirmation of Participation

You are eligible for a Confirmation of Participation if you have visited at least 50 percent of the course material. The Confirmation of Participation contains the following information: Name of participant, date of birth (optional), course title and summary

Record of Achievement

You are eligible for a Record of Achievement if you have earned more than 50 percent of the available points in the weekly assignments and the final exam. The Record of Achievement contains the following information:

  • Participant's name
  • Date of birth (optional)
  • Course title and summary
  • Credits earned
  • Course performance (if you're among the top 5%, 10%, or 20% of participants)
  • Anti-counterfeit link and QR code

Qualified Certificate

Features A Qualified Certificate contains the participant’s photo and a supplement with detailed course information. The participant agrees to be proctored via webcam during the graded exercises and exams. With the help of this online proctoring technology, we determine that the registered user is taking the assignments and the final exam in person.

Besides the photo, the Qualified Certificate contains the following information:

  • Participant's name
  • Date of birth (optional)
  • Course title and summary
  • Credits earned
  • Course performance (information about whether the participant is part of the best 5%, 10% or 20% of all participants)
  • Anti-counterfeit link and QR code

If you have booked the Qualified Certificate you will additionally receive a Record of Achievement and a Certificate of Participation, as long as you have fulfilled the requirements.

ECTS credits
HPI recommends granting 2 ECTS credits for a Qualified Certificate.

If you intend to receive university credits for an openHPI course, please contact your examination officer first to make sure that your university accepts the certificate. We have prepared a sample certificate and an explanation to present to your examination office, which is available for download here:


Further information

HPI provides this service in cooperation with an external European partner, to whom HPI transmits only the photos. Only HPI is able to match the photos to the participant's data. Our partner performs an automatic face recognition and reports any deviations. This complete process results in costs for HPI. Therefore, we request a fee of 60 EUR per certificate.

Please keep in mind that the setup process takes approximately 48 hours. During this time it is not possible to participate in weekly assignments, therefore we recommend that you book a Qualified Certificate early. Please check the deadlines for the weekly assignments and the final exam in your course and make sure that the setup is finished on time. We recommend calculating generously, as a variety of factors can slow down the registration process.

Registration period
It is still possible to register for a Qualified Certificate after completing the first weekly assignment, as long as its deadline has not passed. In general, this is at the beginning of the second week of the course.

Exclusion criteria
In case one of the following rules is violated, we will be unable to award the Qualified Certificate.

  • Make sure that only the registered participant is in front of the camera
  • Make sure that only one person is in front of the camera
  • Make sure that the camera is not covered or turned off
  • Make sure that you stay in front of the camera while you're working on the weekly assignment or final exam.
  • Make sure that there is no light source behind you. Your face will appear too dark to be recognized by the camera otherwise.
  • Remove any accessories that cover parts of your face (such as a hat or sunglasses). Reading glasses are allowed.
  • Do not present any photos or pictures to the camera.
  • Close all other tabs except for the weekly assignment or final exam.
  • Close all other applications that might interfere with your webcam.

See for an illustrated guide.

After you've submitted your solution to a proctored exam, we will display any violation of the rules as detected by our partner. In case you are no longer eligible for the Qualified Certificate due to a violation of these rules, you might still be eligible for a Record of Achievement (without your photo) if you have collected enough points in the weekly assignments and final exam.

proctoring results

There will be no refunds if you did not fulfill the eligibility criteria for a Qualified Certificate.

How to register for a Qualified Certificate?


1. Step: Registration

  • Please click on the button Book Qualified Certificate and then click on Calibrate Your Image.
  • Take 3 pictures with your webcam (the second one will appear on your Qualified Certificate).
  • Please keep in mind that the setup process can last approximately 48 hours and that you cannot do any weekly assignments during this period of time.

2. Step: Take weekly assignments or final exam

  • Adjust your position and make sure that there is enough light.
  • Allow the system access to your webcam.
  • Make sure that you are alone and undisturbed while working on the exam.

3. Step: Download the Qualified Certificate

  • If you've fulfilled all the requirements, your Qualified Certificate will be available for download under Profile --> documents when the course is finished.

4. More Information

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