Privacy and Data Protection

With its online platform - openHPI - the Hasso Plattner Institute offers you the possibility to take part in free online courses on IT. As a registered user you have access to the course content (videos, quizzes, reading material) and, after a successfully completed final exam, you receive a certificate. Moreover, for the duration of the course the discussion forum and the collab spaces are available for your questions and interaction.

In registering for our courses, the collection and storage of personal data is unavoidable. The protection of your data and the lawful collection, processing, and use of it is therefore a matter of particular concern to us. We would thus like to inform you here which data will be collected when you visit our website and register for one or more of our courses. We would further like to inform you about the purpose of collecting this data and in what scope it will be used.

On every website of our offer you can print out and/or save this privacy policy, under the heading Privacy Policy, via the functions of your browser.

1. Responsible Authority

The responsible authority for the collection, processing and use of your personal data under the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes) is the Hasso Plattner Institute, Prof. Dr. Helmert-Str. 2-3, 14482 Potsdam, Tel. 0331/55090, Email:

2. Collection, Processing and Use of Personal Data

Personal data is information about the factual or personal circumstances of an identified or identifiable individual person. Among this information are mainly details that allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity, for example, your name, your telephone number, your address or email address. The statistical data that we collect, for instance from visits to our website, cannot be connected to you personally and also do not apply here. This would be, for example, statistics regarding how often certain web pages are visited.

The following information is required of you when registering for participation in our courses:

  • Email
  • Full name

Furthermore, the following information can be given voluntarily:

  • Location
  • Affiliation
  • Occupational group
  • Highest degree earned
  • IT experience
  • Professional experience
  • Position
  • Age
  • Gender

We save your submitted data in order to establish your user account. You receive course access via your email address and the password you have selected.

2.1 Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

The collected data will only be processed and used within the legally defined scope in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and only for the purpose of the implementation of online courses, the conducting of tests and for execution of the respective certificates.

Please notice: Your realname (given name and surname) will be shown in the context of your contributions to the courses' discussion forums, unless you explicitly set a differing display name. This can be configured in your profile settings. The same applies for platforms that are attached to openHPI, such as CodeOcean, the TeamBuilder, and Mammooc.

2.2 Disclosure of Data to Third Parties

Your data will not be forwarded or otherwise transmitted to third parties.

3. Cookies

Our website uses "cookies". Cookies are small files that are stored on your data carrier and store specific settings and data for exchange with our system via your browser. Cookies help us, for example, to determine the frequency of use and number of users on our Internet website, as well as to design our offers to be as comfortable, efficient and interesting as possible for you and to permanently improve our offer. A basic distinction is made between 2 different types of cookies: so-called session cookies, which can be deleted as soon as you close your browser, and temporary cookies, which are saved for a longer period of time on your data carrier. This storage helps us design our website and our offer in a way that suits you. It also eases your use. For example, certain entries you make are saved in such a way that you do not have to continually repeat them.

For the most part, the cookies we use are so-called session cookies, with which you can be identified during the duration of your visit. After the session has ended the session cookies expire automatically.

Moreover, we use temporary cookies as part of the web analysis tool Piwik. These have a lifespan of 1 week. Please see point 5 of this policy for further explanation.

There is principally no personal data saved on the cookies we implement. The cookies are thus not assignable to you or to any other certain person. Furthermore, we do not carry out the classification of any of your personal data stored on the cookies.

If you wish to dissent from the storage of cookies, you can deactivate cookie storage in your browser, limit its use to certain websites, or set your browser in such a way that you will be informed as soon as a cookie is sent. You can also delete cookies at any time from your PC's hard drive. However, please note that you will be unable to use our offer if you fundamentally reject storage via session cookies.

4. Log Files

In every visit to our website, the user data from your Internet browser is automatically submitted and stored in protocol files - the so-called server log files. The stored data sets contain the following information:

  • Date and time of the server request
  • Name of the requested page
  • Referer URL (the website from where you arrived at our website)
  • Type and version of your implemented browser

The host name (IP address) of the accessing computers is deleted at the latest 1 week after use.

The log file data sets are evaluated by use solely in anonymous form. The data is used purely for statistical purposes to improve our offer and to make it more user-friendly, to find and correct errors faster as well as to control server capacity. We do not undertake a merging of this data with other data sources.

Web Analysis by Piwik Analytics

To continually improve our offer we use the open source web analytic software Piwik.

With Piwik we can receive in real time reports about, e.g., the number of visitors, the search machines and the search words used that lead users to our offer. This helps us to constantly optimize our offer and design it accordingly.

In contrast to the web analysis tools of external providers, using Piwik offers you the advantage that the analysis is carried out by the responsible authority itself (see 1.) instead of by an external service provider. This means that none of your data (in particular your IP address) will be transmitted to third parties.

Piwik also uses cookies that are stored on your computer and enable an analysis of your use of the website. These cookies have a lifespan of 1 week. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this Internet offer is saved on our server. We would also like to note that on this website Piwik is implemented and integrates the "anonymize IP" function. This ensures an anonymous capture of your IP address (so-called IP masking) by us. Your IP address is only stored in abbreviated form, which ensures a pseudonymization and additionally does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about your identity.

If you wish to dissent from the storage of cookies, you can deactivate the storage on cookies in your browser, limits its use to certain websites or set your browser in such a way that you will be informed as soon as a cookie is sent. You can also delete cookies at any time from your computer's hard drive.

Moreover, here you can dissent from the setting of Piwik cookies. Your dissent is filed in the form of an opt-out cookie. Please note that with the deletion of all cookies on your computer, this opt-out cookie is also erased. If you wish to further reject anonymous data collection by the web analysis tool Piwik, you must set the opt-out cookie again. The opt-out cookie is set per browser and computer. In case you visit our website from home and from work or with different browsers, you must activate the opt-out cookie on the different browser or on the different computer.

You can obtain further information about Piwik, for example, at the following address:

6. Right of Access

Based on the Federal Data Protection Act, you have, among other rights as a user, the right to free information regarding your stored data, as well as the right to demand correction, barring or deletion of this data.

Therefore, upon request we will inform you free of charge if and what personal data about you we have stored.

To ensure that personal data will not be released to third parties, please direct your inquiry per email or post, clearly identifying your person to:


Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3

14482 Potsdam

Germany Tel: +49 (0)331 5509-0

Fax: +49 (0)331 5509-129

Email: hpi-info(at)

Please give as reference "openHPI".

This page was last changed at Tue, 04 Apr 2017 09:54:12 +0000.